Thursday 4 July 2013

Non-Creative Task

As we are nearing the end of our first year of the Belper Inkslingers, I just wanted everyone to take a moment and think about:

- What bits do you enjoy?
- What bits don't you enjoy?
- Do you find it useful?
- How else do you think we could make it more useful?
- What else could we do to make it better?

Any ideas gladly taken - one thing I definitely want to do is put someone else in charge of making the magazine as I always find I run out of time!


1 comment:

  1. I love writing club. I find it easier to develop characters and ideas when the basic subject is given. The blog is very helpful. I don't think there's anything about it I don't enjoy. Maybe have a week where we come up with some tasks for each other. Thanks
