Tuesday 28 January 2014

Competition Junkies - Challenge

1. Visit http://www.booktrust.org.uk/books/adults/short-stories/prizes/ and choose a competition that you would like to enter - it can be any of them but make sure the closing date is in the future, probably by at least two months.
2. Over the course of the next month, write your story or poem for the competition.
3. On Tuesday February 25th, bring your completed story to our lunchtime session for review and editing.
4. Enter the competition (let me know if there's a fee!) and win!!!

I would like everyone to enter at least one competition this year!  Come on people!

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Your mythical pet

In the spirit of all things mystical, imagine you had a mythical beast for a pet.  Describe your pet in detail, including their care routine and why you opted for that beast as a pet.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Project Theme: Into the Mystic

For this term's long project we are talking about all that is mystical.  Write a poem or a story on the mystical by 14th April 2014.

I love you... no, I really love you...

Write about the sun as though you love it.  Then write about it as though you hate it.