Tuesday 23 April 2013

Asymmetrical people

People's faces are rarely symmetrical.  Look at the people's faces around you and notice the minute differences in each side - see each face as two sides and each side having a character - what different characters might be in that person's face - artful dodger/serious student; romantic poet/traffic warden; wise child/partygoer.  Write 250 words of this person's thoughts, trying to let both sides of their personality come through.

1 comment:

  1. The sergeant glanced around furtively. A private walked around the corner, and he straightened.
    “Is that a speck of dirt on your collar, Private Meller? The standards around here have certainly gone down from my days as a private – you would have been whipped for such indiscretion! Go and clean up at once, and you are hereby assigned to kitchen duty for the next week!”
    The private quivered in his boots, which were a size and a half too big. Sergeant Larsson was the terror of those who worked under his command.
    “Yes,” he managed, his thin, reedy voice trembling under the force of the sergeant’s stern gaze.
    “Yes, sir!” The sergeant bellowed, causing the young man to step back.
    “Y-yes, sir.” With a dismissive nod from the sergeant, the young man scurried away, and the sergeant sighed in relief, drawing out a piece of paper from his pocket.
    He revealed the writing upon the surface, dotted with hearts. He read under his breath.
    My darling, you light up my life
    Your beauty helps me through strife
    When I remember your loving eyes
    All of this sorrow and regret flies
    My mind is clear again before you
    I will do anything you want me to
    “Seems alright,” he muttered, “but the last line doesn’t flow right.”
    He read the poem again, forgetting to whisper, and a voice came from behind.
    “Is that…a love poem?” A group of privates were snickering. He felt tears prick his eyes. His career was ruined.
