Thursday 18 April 2013

Baubles of beauty

Write a detailed description of a Christmas bauble, with a focus on what the bauble is reflecting of the room it sits in.


  1. The bauble glistens in the light, reflecting the room. It is a plain bauble, just as it is a plain room. A red, shiny bauble, made of glass on a cheap-looking piece of gold tinsel. It warps the room in the reflection, the hand holding it, stretching them out until they no longer seem real, like an image seen through water. The hand holding it, its lines seemingly deeper, the fingers longer, gripping the bauble it is the most important thing in the world while merely touching it gently. The arm, too long for the body on which it seems to be attached. The face. All the lines seem deeper, as with the hand. The features become a demented parody of humanity, all feeling gone from the eyes, which are red in the reflection. The teeth seem to be dripping blood.
    Behind the twisted creature lurks an aged sofa, like a tiger ready to pounce. Its tears and protruding springs and discolourations seem renewed, coaxed back into perverse life to suffer in this created world of red darkness.
    And in the corner, a dark shape. It blurs around the edges, making it impossible to focus on. It seems to have a face, but it is a malformed version of the closer one, the teeth and eyes thrown into stark contrast with the rest of it. A look of cruelty apparent on its pitiless visage. Long-fingered hands reaching out from warped arms. Watching, waiting…

  2. My Bauble

    My bauble, my little silver sparkly bauble, glistening in the colourful flashes of light that emanated from the thousands of festive bulbs that covered the Christmas tree. I was very proud of that Bauble, well, who wouldn’t be? Amongst the other comparatively dull baubles it shone like the star of Bethlehem, reflecting shards of happy memories from the joyful gatherings of previous Christmases. It had gone through a lot with us that bauble, and captured all of our happy memories in its tiny fragments of glass. It held so much joy. 2 years ago we experienced the worst news yet, and we had a very difficult time, yet, this small, twinkly bauble managed to keep our hopes alive with it’s reassuring smile and bright, happy attitude. My bauble, my little silver sparkly bauble.
    Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!
