Thursday 16 May 2013

A character of our own

You need to create a character of your own choice.  You need to introduce them, including their physical appearance, their background, their personality, their likes and dislikes and anything else that you can think of.  Over the next few weeks, we're going to be putting these people into new situations and seeing how they react so make sure you know your people inside and out!

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Creating a character

In up to 150 words create a home setting for one of the following characters so that we can imagine the absent person vividly: a middle-aged recluse; a heart-throb actor in a TV soap; a foster child; a famous writer with writer's block; a modern artist; a female detective.

Now create a list of five cherished items belonging to the same character.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Summer Term Big Project

Right then, for this summer term's big project for the magazine, I'd like us to think about songs with a story.

So, step 1, find a song with a story - there are some great ideas on this website or if you're looking for my favourite suggestions then how about Copacabana or Matty Groves?

Step 2 - rewrite it!  You can choose to either:
  1. Write it as a first person account of events or
  2. Write is as a newspaper article of events or
  3. Write it as a script
Your choice but make it as creative as possible!  Let me know in the comments which song you're going to do and which approach you're intending on taking (although you can always change your mind!)
