Tuesday 7 May 2013

Creating a character

In up to 150 words create a home setting for one of the following characters so that we can imagine the absent person vividly: a middle-aged recluse; a heart-throb actor in a TV soap; a foster child; a famous writer with writer's block; a modern artist; a female detective.

Now create a list of five cherished items belonging to the same character.


  1. A famous writer with writer’s block

    The door is the same as the others on the landing: plain wood with a number ‘47’ printed on cheap plastic and attached with screws that are slightly too small. The door only opens so far until it jams on shoes and shopping bags. The door opens into a bedroom, leading off which is an en suite and a small kitchen. The bed is unmade; a Dictaphone rests on the bedside table with a lamp and a small stack of historical novels and reference books. Under the window, the curtains half-closed against the light, is a desk, on which is an aging typewriter. Stacks of paper stand on either side, the only thing in the room that seems neatly ordered, one pile for blank, the other written on. The wastepaper basket is full of crumpled paper, covered in lettering, Tippex and crossings-out. Uncared-for posters advertising books, all captioned with the same name in curling handwriting, adorn the walls.

  2. Joss Beckman. He lay there, contemplating. Just contemplating. His dark hair spread scruffily across his pillow, it was scruffy, but it was cute. His bright blue eyes shone into the darkness as he wondered whether to get up or not. Really, he couldn’t be bothered; he was supposed to be up bright and early, urrggghhh. He got up eventually, slowly. His muscular abs rippled as he stretched his torso, and his biceps flexed. He changed from his boxers into his shirt and jeans, ready for a day of blending into crowds and discreetly following a beautiful woman who was possibly in danger.
    He was a bodyguard, but not just any body guard that stands in front of you with a gun wherever you go, he was the handsome mysterious type of body guard, who tags along and watches everything from afar, piecing the clues together as to who they are guarding you from, whether it be a devotee turned hater or a man who’s simply lost his mind, he’ll know what to do. That’s what type of bodyguard he is.
