Thursday 16 May 2013

A character of our own

You need to create a character of your own choice.  You need to introduce them, including their physical appearance, their background, their personality, their likes and dislikes and anything else that you can think of.  Over the next few weeks, we're going to be putting these people into new situations and seeing how they react so make sure you know your people inside and out!


  1. ===== is nineteen years old. He is about six feet tall, with medium length black hair and dark eyes, and the thin wisps of a dark beard. At seemingly random times, the corner of his left eye twitches. He generally wears black. His parents died when he was young, leaving him living with his three aunts, who were not all there to say the least, and his uncle, who, until he turned eighteen, was after his parent’s fortune, now inherited by ====. His uncle, however, has not given up his ambition. The inheritance in question consists of several thousand pounds and a large house in the Lake District, in which he now lives. He leads a comparatively quiet life, apart from his uncle’s weekly attempts on his life, a fact that both keep secret from the rest of the family. This becomes especially awkward when he visits his aunts a few times a week. For most of the time he works in a supermarket. Recently, he has received strange and mysterious notes from ‘a friend’ asking about his uncle, demanding replies and offering ‘help’.

    I can't think of a name. I've been trying to think of an appropriate one for ages and it just eludes me. any thoughts?

    1. It's fine, Louis got one for me

    2. Are you illuminating us or keeping us in suspense? He sounds very intriguing!

  2. Small, slight – whippet-thin frame, she stands casually, hands by her sides, in the grey British morning. The curvature of her slim, strong body is accentuated by the flare of her hips below her tiny waist. Her dark hair is pinned up on either side of her head and, layered to fall in an outward-flipping bob, it sits like twin starbursts, smoothing years from her face. Her dark eyes smile though her mouth is set in a thin line of concentration, watching the throng of people. She feels at home in crowds as she always has done; the low thrum of constant noise is an odd source of comfort to her when her silent apartment becomes overwhelming.
    Her stylish black jacket contrasts sharply with her red skinny jeans and Converse, showing off her figure as she carves a path through the multitudes. Sitting on the train, she pulls her laptop out of her designer patchwork bag and begins to type furiously, long painted nails tapping.
    When the train stops, she calmly replaces her laptop and disembarks, another city girl lost in the masses. She doesn’t stay long, stopping for coffee with a Costa representative and sitting on a flight to New York City an hour later.
    Eyes shadowed, her jet-lagged figure makes its way through the streets of the Big Apple towards an unobtrusive conference room in a set of unremarkable offices.

  3. Joss Beckman. He lay there, contemplating. Just contemplating. His dark hair spread scruffily across his pillow, it was scruffy, but it was cute. His bright blue eyes shone into the darkness as he wondered whether to get up or not. Really, he couldn’t be bothered; he was supposed to be up bright and early, urrggghhh. He got up eventually, slowly. His muscular abs rippled as he stretched his torso, and his biceps flexed. He changed from his boxers into his shirt and jeans, ready for a day of blending into crowds and discreetly following a beautiful woman who was possibly in danger.
