Tuesday 16 December 2014

It's Christmas morning...

Well... soon.

Write a detailed description of Christmas morning - I want really fine details, no broad strokes, from the moment you open your eyes to getting to the presents (presuming you get up, go down and see what Santa has left!)

Thursday 20 November 2014

Write a rainbow

Write a short story where the first sentence includes the word "red."  The first sentence of all the subsequent paragraphs have to include a new colour.  You are only allowed to use the colour word once in each paragraph, but must suggest it in as many ways as possible.  E.g.

The world had turned grey. Nothing but mud and asphalt surrounded the unpainted house, little more than a box made of concrete blocks. Charlie, dressed in faded work pants, rubber boots, and a thick wool sweater, steadied himself with a hand on the top rail of a weathered cedar fence. Behind him, nothing but ash-coloured sky, bare trees, and plumes of smoke belching from the factory in the distance. A lone sparrow rested on a branch, one beady eye watching.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Summarise your research

Last time, you researched a specific idea connected to the soul.  I would like you to summarise your research into no more than 150 words.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Mix and match

Create a character with personality traits of someone you love, but the physical characteristics of someone you don’t care for.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Exercise: 7th October 2014

The bottles clanked.

Use this line to start a piece of writing - it should be no longer than a side of A4 (on computer, size 11 font) and no shorter than 10 lines (on computer, size 11 font)

Thursday 2 October 2014

Competition Links


Tasls: 2nd October 2014

You have twenty minutes to write a response to these questions.  You must answer the questions in order, but can add sentences around them.
  • How long have you been at the side of the road?
  • Where were you going?
  • Describe the two people who are with you.
  • How is your car damaged?
  • When you decided to leave your car, how far did you walk?
  • What were you looking for?
  • When did you realise that someone was following you?
  • Describe them.
  • While you were running away, you tripped and fell.  What happened.
  • How did it end?
  • How long have you been on the planet?
  • Why did you go there?
  • Describe the two people who are with you.
  • Why is your spaceship damaged?
  • When you decided to leave your ship, how far did you walk?
  • What were you looking for?
  • When did you realise that someone was following you?
  • Describe the creature.
  • While you were running away, you tripped and fell. What happened?
  • What was the big surprise at the end of your story?
  • - See more at: http://www.teachthemenglish.com/2013/01/the-greatest-creative-writing-activity-ever/#sthash.k6V59kpF.dpuf
  • How long have you been on the planet?
  • Why did you go there?
  • Describe the two people who are with you.
  • Why is your spaceship damaged?
  • When you decided to leave your ship, how far did you walk?
  • What were you looking for?
  • When did you realise that someone was following you?
  • Describe the creature.
  • While you were running away, you tripped and fell. What happened?
  • What was the big surprise at the end of your story?
  • - See more at: http://www.teachthemenglish.com/2013/01/the-greatest-creative-writing-activity-ever/#sthash.k6V59kpF.dpuf

    Tuesday 16 September 2014

    Tuesday 1 July 2014

    The Snowstorm

    Write a short story with the title 'The Snowstorm' - you can be as literal or esoteric as desired!

    Tuesday 24 June 2014

    A leaf's journey

    Imagine you are a leaf - what can it see?  Hear?  Feel?  Where does it go?  Follow the leaf on its journey from bud to decay.

    Friday 23 May 2014

    Feature focus

    Choose one feature on a person's face and write a minimum of 250 words describing it - we're really zooming in and thinking of the finest detail with the most imaginative vocabulary.

    Friday 16 May 2014

    Create a character

    Here are 10 items that someone owns:
    - Dried lavender sachets
    - A broken umbrella
    - A saxophone
    - An easter bonnet
    - A pack of tarot cards
    - An iPad
    - A pasta spoon
    - A bottle of vintage wine
    - A tiara
    - A fake fur stole

    Write 250 words about this person.

    Tuesday 29 April 2014

    Research Rendezvous

    Being a good writer isn't just about writing well.  It's about detailed research and ideas that lend authenticity to your work.  Even fantasy and science-fiction writing has its roots in well-researched ideas.  So this week's task is to think of something completely random and research it.  Produce a clear and detailed factfile on your random topic.

    If you're struggling for ideas then try:
    - Squids
    - The Savannah
    - Mongolian empire
    - Ice holes
    - Papaya

    Tuesday 4 March 2014

    An intergalactic voyage

    In the spirit of all things spacey, what do you think lies on the other side of our galaxy?  Write a detailed description of space, or a star or a planet - whatever you think floats in the great beyond.

    Tuesday 11 February 2014

    Heaven, I'm in heaven...

    Write a creative interpretation of what heaven might be like - this can be a classical or religious interpretation or can be something completely different.  200 words!

    Tuesday 28 January 2014

    Competition Junkies - Challenge

    1. Visit http://www.booktrust.org.uk/books/adults/short-stories/prizes/ and choose a competition that you would like to enter - it can be any of them but make sure the closing date is in the future, probably by at least two months.
    2. Over the course of the next month, write your story or poem for the competition.
    3. On Tuesday February 25th, bring your completed story to our lunchtime session for review and editing.
    4. Enter the competition (let me know if there's a fee!) and win!!!

    I would like everyone to enter at least one competition this year!  Come on people!

    Tuesday 21 January 2014

    Your mythical pet

    In the spirit of all things mystical, imagine you had a mythical beast for a pet.  Describe your pet in detail, including their care routine and why you opted for that beast as a pet.

    Tuesday 7 January 2014

    Project Theme: Into the Mystic

    For this term's long project we are talking about all that is mystical.  Write a poem or a story on the mystical by 14th April 2014.

    I love you... no, I really love you...

    Write about the sun as though you love it.  Then write about it as though you hate it.